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Showing 20 of 400 results Search All
Competition Dates Location Type Matches
2018 Under 18 Girls Outdoor Championship 13 - 21 Mar 2018 Launceston Under 18 Womens Outdoor 32
2018 Under 15 Boys Outdoor Championships 18 - 27 Apr 2018 Wollongong Under 15 Mens Outdoor 42
2018 Under 15 Girls Outdoor Championship 18 - 27 Apr 2018 Wollongong Under 15 Womens Outdoor 42
2018 Under 21 Men's Australian Championship 4 - 11 Jul 2018 Sydney Under 21 Mens Outdoor 24
2016 Under 21 Men's Indoor Australian Championships 9 - 12 Jan 2016 Wollongong, NSW Under 21 Mens Indoor 14
2017 Men's Intercontinental 5's 11 - 15 Oct 2017 Sydney Senior Mens Hockey5s 4
2018 Under 21 Women's Australian Championship 4 - 11 Jul 2018 Sydney Under 21 Womens Outdoor 24
2018 Under 13 Boys Australian Carnival 4 - 10 Oct 2018 Hobart Under 13 Mens Outdoor 66
2018 Under 13 Girls Australian Carnival 4 - 10 Oct 2018 Hobart Under 13 Womens Outdoor 66
35+ MM 2018 22 - 30 Sep 2018 Lismore/Ballina, NSW Senior Mens Outdoor 20
40+/1 MM 2018 22 - 30 Sep 2018 Lismore/Ballina, NSW Senior Mens Outdoor 20
40+/2 MM 2018 22 - 30 Sep 2018 Lismore/Ballina, NSW Senior Mens Outdoor 14
45+/1 MM 2018 22 - 30 Sep 2018 Lismore/Ballina, NSW Senior Mens Outdoor 20
45+/2 MM 2018 22 - 30 Sep 2018 Lismore/Ballina, NSW Senior Mens Outdoor 14
2016 Under 21 Women's Indoor Australia Championships 9 - 12 Jan 2016 Wollongong, NSW Under 21 Womens Indoor 14
50+/1 MM 2018 24 Sep - 6 Oct 2018 Lismore/Ballina, NSW Senior Mens Outdoor 26
50+/2 MM 2018 24 Sep - 6 Oct 2018 Lismore/Ballina, NSW Senior Mens Outdoor 14
55+/1 MM 2018 24 Sep - 6 Oct 2018 Lismore/Ballina, NSW Senior Mens Outdoor 26
55+/2 MM 2018 24 Sep - 6 Oct 2018 Lismore/Ballina, NSW Senior Mens Outdoor 26
60+/1 MM 2018 24 Sep - 6 Oct 2018 Lismore/Ballina, NSW Senior Mens Outdoor 20
Showing 20 of 18106 results Search All
Display Name Surnames Given Names Gender Nationality
BALL Zenneth Ball Zenneth M AUS
WILLIAMS Allison Williams Allison F AUS
DRISCOLL-FITZSIMMONS Branden Driscoll-Fitzsimmons Branden M AUS
LAING KAtie Laing KAtie F AUS
MYHILL Rosemary Myhill Rosemary F AUS
HAMILTON Renae Hamilton Renae F AUS
BUTT Millicent Butt Millicent F AUS
SMITH Katherine Smith Katherine F AUS
LANGHAM Bianca Langham Bianca M AUS
HAYLEY Barry Hayley Barry M AUS
MARSDEN Leonie Marsden Leonie F AUS
HORNE James Horne James M AUS
CRAIB Paul Craib Paul M AUS
ALLEN Melinda ALLEN Melinda F AUS
HANDSCOMBE Joe Handscombe Joe M AUS
MCGUCKIN Mark McGuckin Mark M AUS
CROC Media Croc Media M AUS
LOW Pam Low Pam F AUS
MORELAND Phil Moreland Phil M AUS